Episode 11
Dante Biss-Grayson - Interview
Dante Biss-Grayson is a Veteran and a member of the Osage Nation. He is an Artist, Poet, and Fashion Designer. His work covers a vast array of topics through a variety of mediums. A Native-Renaissance is occurring and his multi-faceted approach to art and advocacy is apparent in the following projects: As the Creative Director and Owner of the Sky-Eagle Collection, he has designed collections of Ribbon Skirts, Dresses, Jewelry, Neckties, and Scarves with the intent to bring Awareness and Action to issues impacting Indian Country. One Collection in particular address the MMIW epidemic and a percent of the proceeds are donated to Native American Advocacy Groups. This year he has started the "400 Ribbon Skirt Project," where he will donate 400 Ribbon Skirts to homeless and DV shelters to the the hardest hit reservations, and will send them to the 4 directions. This is a way to give good medicine and healing to those in need, and support Native Communities. In the realm of Fine Art, he has excelled with Oil Paintings in abstract and expressionist styles. Initially part of his therapy for his multiple tours overseas in conflict zones, the work has enveloped, and eventually expanded into multi-media sculptures and paintings. He has created a 3d Holographic installation of a Straight-dancer, and plans to link these units together to form a 10 ft tall sculpture. Once completed, other tribal dancers will be part of the project, and the intent is to compare the physical world with that of the spirit world, and the connections between them. Lastly, he has started a compendium of poetry in 5 volumes. The book of poetry brings awareness to the MMIW epidemic by honoring those who are missing, murdered, and taken away from their families and tribes.
Visit National Indigenous Women's Resource Center to learn more about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women - https://www.niwrc.org/resources
Dante's fine art portfolio - http://dantebissgrayson.faso.com/
Sky Eagle Collection - https://www.skyeaglecollection.com/
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